Since our last Pastoral Letter in May 2024 we have had the joy of celebrating the ordination to the priesthood of the Revd Fr Tibor Gorcz in Hungary, at the hands of our dear friend Bishop Gergely Juhasz. We have also welcomed several new seminarians who are all doing really well. We can expect a crop of ordinations next year, followed by fruitful missions and ministries (D.V.).
Once more I feel drawn to send you a few words of encouragement as autumn draws in towards the cosy warmth of winter. If summer is a time for travel and adventure then winter is surely a time for snuggles, hearty meals and fireside chats at home. In winter we rely on the shelter of our homes more than at other times of year which causes me to reflect on our natural human need for security and safety.
I would not be at all surprised if during this month (October 2024) the largely unseen war between the global cabal and those few individuals brave enough and wise enough to stand up to it will be coming to ahead. So much hangs on the American election next month, as a positive outcome there will move us all further towards global stability, prosperity and peace. Let us pray for the triumph of justice and righteousness! We are truly in the midst of a war between good and evil, a war waged between the angelic and the demonic as well as between various political forces here on the earth plane.
If you are reading this and doubt my words, then I would simply invite you to remember the words of the gospel, “By their fruits shall ye know them” … Ask yourself honestly, who are the war mongers, actually? Who has been feeding the war machine? Who has a proven record of corruption, lies, theft of votes, as well as all manner of immorality? Who are obviously using the pretence of public service as a means of feathering their own nests? Who should have been in jail years ago for a string of political assassinations?
Conversely, ask yourself also, who is standing up for common decency, the stability of family life and the most vulnerable members of society, including the unborn? Who has a proven record as a successful peacemaker?
So many have been blinded and deafened by propaganda but for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear the answer is quite clear.
(1) Take our heads out of the sand. Turn off the mainstrean media propaganda and become properly informed. That means seeking out sources of news that the mainstream don’t wish you to find. Ignore the charges of “conspiracy theorist”, purveyor of “mis-information”, sometimes even “racist”, etc. which are simply increasingly ineffective means of social control, and make up your own mind.
(2) Once informed, stay calm. Focus on care of loved ones and those most in need. “Keep Calm and Carry On”, but be alert and prepared to defend your rights, your property, your life and the lives of your loved ones. Deus Vult! ✠
(3) Pray.
Say the Prayer to St Michael frequently:
“St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.”
Wear the medal of St Benedict, properly blessed. It is a powerful sacramental against the forces of evil.
Always have plenty of Holy Water at hand and use it prayerfully and frequently.
Pray the Caim and encompass yourself and your loved ones within a circle of protection. I like to use my Celtic blessing cross for this, making the sign of the cross at the four directions and encompassing all of our church, orders and people within a circle of Divine Protection. If you don’t have a blessing cross use your index finger extended to trace the circle around you as you say:
North: “Circle us Lord, Keep protection near, And danger afar.”
East: “Circle us Lord, Keep light near, And darkness afar.”
South: “Circle us Lord, Keep peace within, Keep evil out.”
West: “Circle us Lord, Keep hope within, Keep doubt without.”
Back at the North you can finish your prayer with: Be a bright flame before us, Be a guiding star above us, Be a smooth path below us, and a loving guide behind us, today, tonight, and forever. Amen.
The Lorica (Breastplate) of St Patrick is also a very useful prayer for protection and a reminder to be centred at all times and all places within the Divine Presence.
Here are a couple more traditional examples of Caim (encompassing) prayers from the Carmina Gadelica, which you may like to use in your personal devotions.
Be the compassing of Bride around me
Keeping me from ill and evil,
Keeping me from death and doom,
From malice and misfortune.
Be the fiery sword of Bride
Defending me from all black swarms.
Be the shield of blessed Bride
Protecting me from all sharp edges.
Be the cloak of gentle Bride
Encircling me.
Be the compassing of Bride around me,
Keeping me from hurt and harm,
Keeping me from wound and woe,
From darkness and despair.
Be the compassing of Bride around me
This day and every day,
This night and every night.
"Thou Michael the victorious
I make my circuit under thy shield,
Thou Michael of the white steed,
And of the bright brilliant blades,
Conqueror of the dragon,
Be thou at my back,
Thou ranger of the heavens,
Thou warrior of the King of all,
O Michael the victorious,
My pride and my guide,
O Michael the victorious,
The glory of mine eye.
I make my circuit
In the fellowship of my saint,
On the machair, on the meadow,
On the cold heathery hill;
Though I should travel ocean
And the hard globe of the world
No harm can e'er befall me
'Neath the shelter of thy shield;
O Michael the victorious,
Jewel of my heart,
O Michael the victorious,
God's shepherd thou art.
Be the sacred Three of Glory
Aye at peace with me,
With my horses, with my cattle,
With my woolly sheep in flocks.
With the crops growing in the field
Or ripening in the sheaf,
On the machair, on the moor,
In cole, in heap, or stack.
Every thing on high or low,
Every furnishing and flock,
Belong to the holy Triune of glory,
And to Michael the victorious."
And so dear friends until my next pastoral letter in Advent I bid you all Slán agus beannacht! Stay safe!
+Alistair OSBA,
Abbot & Bishop of Glendalough, Primus