The Holy Qurbana of the Mar Thoma Liberal Catholic Church
based on the Liturgy of Mar Addai & Mar Mari
C = Celebrant. D = Deacon. A = All.
The bread and wine used for the Eucharistic Celebration are prepared by the priest at the Holy Table (altar). The Celebrant, already vested says:
C: In the name of the ✠ Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, One God, to Whom be glory and upon us, Thy children, have mercy and compassion in both worlds unto ages of ages. Amen.
Strengthen, our Lord and our God, our weakness by Thy grace that we may administer the holy mysteries which were given for the renewal and redemption of our nature, through the mercies of Thy beloved Son, Lord of all, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for ever. Before the glorious throne of Thy majesty, my Lord, and the high and exalted seat of Thy honour and the awesome judgement seat of the power of Thy love, and the absolving altar which Thy will has established and the place where Thy honour dwells, we, Thy people and the sheep of Thy pasture, with thousands of Cherubim which sing halleluiahs to Thee, ten thousand Seraphim and Archangels which hallow Thee, do kneel and worship and confess and glorify Thee at all times, O Lord of all, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for ever. Amen.
At the lighting of the candles he shall say:
In Thy light we see light, O Jesus full of light, for Thou art the true light that enlightens the whole creation. Enlighten us by Thy glorious light, o radiance of the heavenly Father.
The Priest signs the Host saying:
In remembrance of our Lord and Master ✠ Jesus Christ.
Wine and water are poured into the chalice:
O Lord God, as Thy divinity is united with Thy humanity, so unite this ✠ water with this ✠ wine.
The Priest offers the Gifts by elevating them crosswise in both hands, saying:
Thou, Who didst accept the sacrifice of Melchizedek, the priest, accept the prayers of Thy servant(s):
Then he replaces the gifts on the Holy Table and covers them with a large Veil. If there is incense, the Priest offers the incense before the Holy Altar:
(C: When the sweet savour of the fragrance of Thy love is wafted upon us, our Lord and our God, and our souls are enlightened by the knowledge of Thy truth, may we be accounted worthy to receive the revelation of Thy beloved who is from heaven, and there may we confess Thee and praise Thee without ceasing in Thy crowned Church which is full of all helps and blessings, for Thou art the Lord and Creator of all; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for ever. Amen. )
CONFITEOR - All sit or kneel.
A: O Lord, Thou hast created us to be immortal and made us to be an image of Thine own eternity; yet often we forget the glory of our heritage and wander from the path which leads to righteousness. But Thou, O Lord, hast made us for Thyself and our hearts are ever restless till they find their rest in Thee. Look with the eyes of Thy love upon our manifold imperfections and pardon all our shortcomings, that we may be filled with the brightness of the everlasting light and become the unspotted mirror of Thy power and the image of Thy goodness; through Christ our Lord. Amen.
C. God the Father, God the + Son, God the Holy Spirit, bless,
preserve and sanctify you; the Lord in his loving kindness look
down upon you and be gracious unto you; the Lord ✠ absolve you from all your sins and grant you the grace and comfort of the Holy Spirit. R/. Amen.
The priest now turns towards the Holy Table and says this prayer in the orans posture:
O pure and spotless Lord, Most High, make us worthy to offer ourselves to Thee as a living sacrifice that is well-pleasing after the manner of Thine own life and sacrifice.
A: Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison.
O great Master, answer us and have mercy upon us. Glory be to Thee O Lord, glory be to Thee O Lord, glory be to Thee our hope forever.
R: Amen.
Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and for ever.
R: Amen.
(The Celebrant washes his hands)
C: I will wash my hands in innocence and I will compass Thine altar, that I may hear the voice of Thy praise and tell of all Thy wondrous works.
A: Holy art thou O God: reveal thy wisdom in us.
Holy art thou O God: pour down thy strength upon us.
Holy art thou O Immortal One: unveil thy beauty to us.
(Alternatively the Trisagion may be sung 3 times in Aramaic or Greek)
C: Peace be with you.
A: And with thy spirit.
C or D: Let us pray.
The Epistle is written in the …….
R: Thanks be to God.
C: Glory to the everlasting mercies, which you have sent unto us. Give us wisdom by Thy measure, and enlighten the impulses of our minds by Thy knowledge. Sanctify our souls by Thy truth, and grant that we may be obedient to Thy words and may fulfill Thy commands at all times.
(A Proper Gradual may also be said or sung)
C or D: Let us hear the holy Gospel. The reading is from the holy Gospel according to Saint (name).
A: Glory to Thee, forever.
(The Celebrant or Deacon/ess, then reads the Holy Gospel. After the reading, he or she presents the Gospel book for the priest to kiss and then returns it to its place.)
Various petitions are said aloud by the celebrant or deacon and congregants who wish to. Afer each petition may be said:
C or D: Lord in Thy mercy.
A: Hear our Prayer
C: Lord God of hosts, we pray and beseech Thee, fulfill in us Thy grace, and pour forth through us Thy gift, and may Thy mercy and compassion be for the pardon of the offenses of all the sheep of Thy flock, whom Thou hast chosen for Thyself in Thy grace and mercy, now and forever.
A: We that in mystery Holy Cherubim portray, who sing to the life-giving Trinity the thrice-holy hymn, let us now cast off all earthly cares, that we may receive the King of all, escorted by the invisible angelic hosts. Alleluia!
C: May the Lord God remember us in His Kingdom, now and for evermore.
A: Amen. That we may welcome the King of glory. Alleluia!
The Holy Gifts are unveiled. If incense is used the priest censes them.
C: I waited with confidence for the Lord.
A: The Holy Gifts are prepared on the holy altar. In awe and love let us draw near unto Him, and with the angel let us say aloud unto Him: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord. Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory,
D or C: The poor shall eat and be filled, and they that seek the Lord shall praise Him; their hearts shall live forever and ever. Amen.
C: Let us lift up praise to Thy glorious Trinity at every season forever. May Christ, who was sacrificed and who commanded us to make a commemoration of His death, burial and resurrection, accept this sacrifice at our hands, in His grace and mercy for ever.
C: Our Lord Jesus Christ be with all of us in His grace and mercy, now and for ever. Amen.
A: We place our trust in God, the holy and all-glorious Trinity, who dwelleth in the Spirit of man.
We place our trust in Christ, the Lord of love and wisdom, first among many brethren, who leadeth us to the glory of the Father, and is Himself the Way, the Truth and the Life.
We place our trust in the Law of Good which rules the world; we strive towards the ancient narrow Path that leads to life eternal; we know that we serve our Master best when we serve our fellow man. So shall His power rest upon us and ✠ peace for evermore. Amen.
C: Worthy of praise from every mouth and of confession by every tongue and of adoration and exaltation from all creatures, is the adorable and glorious Name of the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Who didst create the world in Thy grace, and its inhabitants in Thy compassion; and didst save our race by Thy love, and hast shown great mercy to us mortals.
Thousands upon thousands of those on high bless and pay homage to Thee; and innumerable holy angels, and hosts of spiritual beings, ministers of fire and spirit, glorify Thee with the holy cherubim and spiritual seraphim, offering worship to Thy Sovereignty, shouting and praising without ceasing, calling to one another and saying:
A: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts, heaven and earth are full of thy glory; glory be to thee, O Lord most high. ✠ Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.
C: With those heavenly hosts we commit to Thee, O Lord, even we Thy children who are weak and frail in nature. For Thou hast bestowed grace upon us that is past our ability to repay, in that Thou didst put on our humanity that Thou mightest quicken us by Thy divinity and Thou hast exalted our low estate and restorest us from our shortcomings. Thou raisest us out of a state of illusion, and hast granted victory to the weakness of our frail nature in the abundant mercies of Thy grace.
Who the day before he suffered took bread into his holy and venerable hands and, with his eyes lifted up to heaven unto thee, God, his almighty Father, giving thanks to thee, he ✠ blessed, brake and gave it to his disciples, saying:
In like manner, after he had supped, taking also this noble chalice into his holy and venerable hands, again giving thanks to thee, he ✠ blessed it and gave it to his disciples, saying:
The priest holds his hands over the Gifts as he continues:
We are assembled before Thee at this hour, having received by apostolic tradition the example from Thee to celebrate this great, holy, life-creating and divine mystery, of the passion, death, burial and resurrection of the Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.
Then he blesses the Gifts saying:
Maranatha, come Holy Spirit , and rest upon this offering of Thy servants and ✠ bless it and ✠ hallow it and that it may be to us, O Lord, for the pardon of offences and for the forgiveness of sins and for the great hope of resurrection from the dead and for new life in the kingdom of heaven, with all those who have been well-pleasing to Thee. And for all this great and marvellous dispensation towards us, we give Thee thanks and glorify Thee without ceasing in Thy Church redeemed by the precious blood of Thy Christ, with open mouths and unveiled faces.
After a brief moment of silence, the priest lifts up the Gifts and continues:
For all this great and wonderful dispensation toward us we give Thee thanks and glorify Thee without ceasing within Thy holy Church, with voices raised in praise., lifting up glory and honour and confession and worship to Thy living and holy and life-giving Name, now and for ever and ever. Amen.
The priest signs the mysteries ✠
C: O Christ, the peace of those above and the great tranquility of those below. Glory be to Thee, O Lord, Who sanctifiest all forever.
C or D: Grant, O Master, that with a pure heart we may all equally call upon Thee, saying:
All: Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed by Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our offenses, as we forgive those who have offended us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, now and ever. Amen.
C: We draw near, O my Lord, in true faith of Thy name to these holy mysteries and by Thy compassion we break, and by Thy mercifulness we sign the body and blood of our Saviour, Our Lord Jesus Christ; in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit for ever. Amen.
The priest with utmost care breaks the Bread.
C or D: See that it is I myself. I am the Bread which came down from on high, said our Saviour in the mysteries to His disciples. Whosoever approaches and receives it in love, lives for ever in me and inherits the kingdom.
Preparation for Communion
C: Let us pray. That our God who loveth mankind, having received us on His holy and mystical altar in heaven may send down upon us in return His divine grace and the gift of the Holy Spirit, let us pray to the Lord.
A: Lord hear our prayer.
C: For the Angel of peace, a faithful guide, a guardian of our souls and bodies, let ask of the Lord.
A: Lord hear our prayer.
PRIEST: (lifting up the Holy Gifts, saying) Holy Things for the holy people of God. After all clergy have communicated, the priest says:
My brothers and sisters, receive these Sacred Gifts for the healing of soul and body.
Communion is given on the tongue by intinction.
C or D: (saying to each communicant):
The Body and Blood of Christ keep you in eternal life.
C & D return to the Holy Table and perform the ablutions.
The Post Communio
C: Let us pray. – It is meet O Lord, every day and it is right at every time and fitting at every hour, to confess, adore and glorify thy Holy Name. For by thy grace, O Lord, Thou hast made worthy the weak nature of mortal man, with Spiritual Beings to hallow thy name, to have communion in the Mysteries of thy gift, to take delight in the sweetness of Thy words and to lift up voices of praise and thanksgiving to Thee at all times, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
A: We who have been refreshed with thy heavenly gifts do pray thee O Lord, that thy grace may so grafted inwardly in our hearts, that it may continually be made manifest in our lives. Through Christ our Lord. R./ Amen.
(Sundays & Feast days)
PRIEST: Though who hast blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heaven through our Master Jesus Christ and hast called us to Thy kingdom, and hast brought us to desirable blessings, which pass not away, neither cease nor vanish, as promised and assured in Thy Life-giving Gospel: Bless our congregation and guard our company and make our people glorious, which came and rejoiced in the power of Thy glorious, holy, life-creating and divine Mysteries. With the living sign of the ✠ cross be sealed and guarded from all harm, hidden and open, now and for ever. R: Amen.
(Ordinary days)
PRIEST: May our Lord Jesus Christ, Whom we have served and celebrated and honored in His glorious, holy, life-giving and divine Mysteries, make us worthy of the unblemished glory of His kingdom, and of the joy with His holy angels, and of worthiness before Him, and of standing at the right hand in His grace and mercies. To Him be glory, and upon us and all creatures may the right hand of His providence rest ✠ now and forever. R: Amen.
O Protection of Christians, Our Lady, our joy and our boast unashamed; mediator unwearied in prayer at our Master's throne: hear our voices raised in praise and prayer. Haste thee to our intercession, for thy protection never fails, O Blessed Mother, them that honour thee. Amen.
The bread and wine used for the Eucharistic Celebration are prepared by the priest at the Holy Table (altar). The Celebrant, already vested says:
C: In the name of the ✠ Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, One God, to Whom be glory and upon us, Thy children, have mercy and compassion in both worlds unto ages of ages. Amen.
Strengthen, our Lord and our God, our weakness by Thy grace that we may administer the holy mysteries which were given for the renewal and redemption of our nature, through the mercies of Thy beloved Son, Lord of all, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for ever. Before the glorious throne of Thy majesty, my Lord, and the high and exalted seat of Thy honour and the awesome judgement seat of the power of Thy love, and the absolving altar which Thy will has established and the place where Thy honour dwells, we, Thy people and the sheep of Thy pasture, with thousands of Cherubim which sing halleluiahs to Thee, ten thousand Seraphim and Archangels which hallow Thee, do kneel and worship and confess and glorify Thee at all times, O Lord of all, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for ever. Amen.
At the lighting of the candles he shall say:
In Thy light we see light, O Jesus full of light, for Thou art the true light that enlightens the whole creation. Enlighten us by Thy glorious light, o radiance of the heavenly Father.
The Priest signs the Host saying:
In remembrance of our Lord and Master ✠ Jesus Christ.
Wine and water are poured into the chalice:
O Lord God, as Thy divinity is united with Thy humanity, so unite this ✠ water with this ✠ wine.
The Priest offers the Gifts by elevating them crosswise in both hands, saying:
Thou, Who didst accept the sacrifice of Melchizedek, the priest, accept the prayers of Thy servant(s):
Then he replaces the gifts on the Holy Table and covers them with a large Veil. If there is incense, the Priest offers the incense before the Holy Altar:
(C: When the sweet savour of the fragrance of Thy love is wafted upon us, our Lord and our God, and our souls are enlightened by the knowledge of Thy truth, may we be accounted worthy to receive the revelation of Thy beloved who is from heaven, and there may we confess Thee and praise Thee without ceasing in Thy crowned Church which is full of all helps and blessings, for Thou art the Lord and Creator of all; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for ever. Amen. )
CONFITEOR - All sit or kneel.
A: O Lord, Thou hast created us to be immortal and made us to be an image of Thine own eternity; yet often we forget the glory of our heritage and wander from the path which leads to righteousness. But Thou, O Lord, hast made us for Thyself and our hearts are ever restless till they find their rest in Thee. Look with the eyes of Thy love upon our manifold imperfections and pardon all our shortcomings, that we may be filled with the brightness of the everlasting light and become the unspotted mirror of Thy power and the image of Thy goodness; through Christ our Lord. Amen.
C. God the Father, God the + Son, God the Holy Spirit, bless,
preserve and sanctify you; the Lord in his loving kindness look
down upon you and be gracious unto you; the Lord ✠ absolve you from all your sins and grant you the grace and comfort of the Holy Spirit. R/. Amen.
The priest now turns towards the Holy Table and says this prayer in the orans posture:
O pure and spotless Lord, Most High, make us worthy to offer ourselves to Thee as a living sacrifice that is well-pleasing after the manner of Thine own life and sacrifice.
A: Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison.
O great Master, answer us and have mercy upon us. Glory be to Thee O Lord, glory be to Thee O Lord, glory be to Thee our hope forever.
R: Amen.
Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and for ever.
R: Amen.
(The Celebrant washes his hands)
C: I will wash my hands in innocence and I will compass Thine altar, that I may hear the voice of Thy praise and tell of all Thy wondrous works.
A: Holy art thou O God: reveal thy wisdom in us.
Holy art thou O God: pour down thy strength upon us.
Holy art thou O Immortal One: unveil thy beauty to us.
(Alternatively the Trisagion may be sung 3 times in Aramaic or Greek)
C: Peace be with you.
A: And with thy spirit.
C or D: Let us pray.
The Epistle is written in the …….
R: Thanks be to God.
C: Glory to the everlasting mercies, which you have sent unto us. Give us wisdom by Thy measure, and enlighten the impulses of our minds by Thy knowledge. Sanctify our souls by Thy truth, and grant that we may be obedient to Thy words and may fulfill Thy commands at all times.
(A Proper Gradual may also be said or sung)
C or D: Let us hear the holy Gospel. The reading is from the holy Gospel according to Saint (name).
A: Glory to Thee, forever.
(The Celebrant or Deacon/ess, then reads the Holy Gospel. After the reading, he or she presents the Gospel book for the priest to kiss and then returns it to its place.)
Various petitions are said aloud by the celebrant or deacon and congregants who wish to. Afer each petition may be said:
C or D: Lord in Thy mercy.
A: Hear our Prayer
C: Lord God of hosts, we pray and beseech Thee, fulfill in us Thy grace, and pour forth through us Thy gift, and may Thy mercy and compassion be for the pardon of the offenses of all the sheep of Thy flock, whom Thou hast chosen for Thyself in Thy grace and mercy, now and forever.
A: We that in mystery Holy Cherubim portray, who sing to the life-giving Trinity the thrice-holy hymn, let us now cast off all earthly cares, that we may receive the King of all, escorted by the invisible angelic hosts. Alleluia!
C: May the Lord God remember us in His Kingdom, now and for evermore.
A: Amen. That we may welcome the King of glory. Alleluia!
The Holy Gifts are unveiled. If incense is used the priest censes them.
C: I waited with confidence for the Lord.
A: The Holy Gifts are prepared on the holy altar. In awe and love let us draw near unto Him, and with the angel let us say aloud unto Him: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord. Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory,
D or C: The poor shall eat and be filled, and they that seek the Lord shall praise Him; their hearts shall live forever and ever. Amen.
C: Let us lift up praise to Thy glorious Trinity at every season forever. May Christ, who was sacrificed and who commanded us to make a commemoration of His death, burial and resurrection, accept this sacrifice at our hands, in His grace and mercy for ever.
C: Our Lord Jesus Christ be with all of us in His grace and mercy, now and for ever. Amen.
A: We place our trust in God, the holy and all-glorious Trinity, who dwelleth in the Spirit of man.
We place our trust in Christ, the Lord of love and wisdom, first among many brethren, who leadeth us to the glory of the Father, and is Himself the Way, the Truth and the Life.
We place our trust in the Law of Good which rules the world; we strive towards the ancient narrow Path that leads to life eternal; we know that we serve our Master best when we serve our fellow man. So shall His power rest upon us and ✠ peace for evermore. Amen.
C: Worthy of praise from every mouth and of confession by every tongue and of adoration and exaltation from all creatures, is the adorable and glorious Name of the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Who didst create the world in Thy grace, and its inhabitants in Thy compassion; and didst save our race by Thy love, and hast shown great mercy to us mortals.
Thousands upon thousands of those on high bless and pay homage to Thee; and innumerable holy angels, and hosts of spiritual beings, ministers of fire and spirit, glorify Thee with the holy cherubim and spiritual seraphim, offering worship to Thy Sovereignty, shouting and praising without ceasing, calling to one another and saying:
A: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts, heaven and earth are full of thy glory; glory be to thee, O Lord most high. ✠ Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.
C: With those heavenly hosts we commit to Thee, O Lord, even we Thy children who are weak and frail in nature. For Thou hast bestowed grace upon us that is past our ability to repay, in that Thou didst put on our humanity that Thou mightest quicken us by Thy divinity and Thou hast exalted our low estate and restorest us from our shortcomings. Thou raisest us out of a state of illusion, and hast granted victory to the weakness of our frail nature in the abundant mercies of Thy grace.
Who the day before he suffered took bread into his holy and venerable hands and, with his eyes lifted up to heaven unto thee, God, his almighty Father, giving thanks to thee, he ✠ blessed, brake and gave it to his disciples, saying:
In like manner, after he had supped, taking also this noble chalice into his holy and venerable hands, again giving thanks to thee, he ✠ blessed it and gave it to his disciples, saying:
The priest holds his hands over the Gifts as he continues:
We are assembled before Thee at this hour, having received by apostolic tradition the example from Thee to celebrate this great, holy, life-creating and divine mystery, of the passion, death, burial and resurrection of the Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.
Then he blesses the Gifts saying:
Maranatha, come Holy Spirit , and rest upon this offering of Thy servants and ✠ bless it and ✠ hallow it and that it may be to us, O Lord, for the pardon of offences and for the forgiveness of sins and for the great hope of resurrection from the dead and for new life in the kingdom of heaven, with all those who have been well-pleasing to Thee. And for all this great and marvellous dispensation towards us, we give Thee thanks and glorify Thee without ceasing in Thy Church redeemed by the precious blood of Thy Christ, with open mouths and unveiled faces.
After a brief moment of silence, the priest lifts up the Gifts and continues:
For all this great and wonderful dispensation toward us we give Thee thanks and glorify Thee without ceasing within Thy holy Church, with voices raised in praise., lifting up glory and honour and confession and worship to Thy living and holy and life-giving Name, now and for ever and ever. Amen.
The priest signs the mysteries ✠
C: O Christ, the peace of those above and the great tranquility of those below. Glory be to Thee, O Lord, Who sanctifiest all forever.
C or D: Grant, O Master, that with a pure heart we may all equally call upon Thee, saying:
All: Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed by Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our offenses, as we forgive those who have offended us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, now and ever. Amen.
C: We draw near, O my Lord, in true faith of Thy name to these holy mysteries and by Thy compassion we break, and by Thy mercifulness we sign the body and blood of our Saviour, Our Lord Jesus Christ; in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit for ever. Amen.
The priest with utmost care breaks the Bread.
C or D: See that it is I myself. I am the Bread which came down from on high, said our Saviour in the mysteries to His disciples. Whosoever approaches and receives it in love, lives for ever in me and inherits the kingdom.
Preparation for Communion
C: Let us pray. That our God who loveth mankind, having received us on His holy and mystical altar in heaven may send down upon us in return His divine grace and the gift of the Holy Spirit, let us pray to the Lord.
A: Lord hear our prayer.
C: For the Angel of peace, a faithful guide, a guardian of our souls and bodies, let ask of the Lord.
A: Lord hear our prayer.
PRIEST: (lifting up the Holy Gifts, saying) Holy Things for the holy people of God. After all clergy have communicated, the priest says:
My brothers and sisters, receive these Sacred Gifts for the healing of soul and body.
Communion is given on the tongue by intinction.
C or D: (saying to each communicant):
The Body and Blood of Christ keep you in eternal life.
C & D return to the Holy Table and perform the ablutions.
The Post Communio
C: Let us pray. – It is meet O Lord, every day and it is right at every time and fitting at every hour, to confess, adore and glorify thy Holy Name. For by thy grace, O Lord, Thou hast made worthy the weak nature of mortal man, with Spiritual Beings to hallow thy name, to have communion in the Mysteries of thy gift, to take delight in the sweetness of Thy words and to lift up voices of praise and thanksgiving to Thee at all times, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
A: We who have been refreshed with thy heavenly gifts do pray thee O Lord, that thy grace may so grafted inwardly in our hearts, that it may continually be made manifest in our lives. Through Christ our Lord. R./ Amen.
(Sundays & Feast days)
PRIEST: Though who hast blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heaven through our Master Jesus Christ and hast called us to Thy kingdom, and hast brought us to desirable blessings, which pass not away, neither cease nor vanish, as promised and assured in Thy Life-giving Gospel: Bless our congregation and guard our company and make our people glorious, which came and rejoiced in the power of Thy glorious, holy, life-creating and divine Mysteries. With the living sign of the ✠ cross be sealed and guarded from all harm, hidden and open, now and for ever. R: Amen.
(Ordinary days)
PRIEST: May our Lord Jesus Christ, Whom we have served and celebrated and honored in His glorious, holy, life-giving and divine Mysteries, make us worthy of the unblemished glory of His kingdom, and of the joy with His holy angels, and of worthiness before Him, and of standing at the right hand in His grace and mercies. To Him be glory, and upon us and all creatures may the right hand of His providence rest ✠ now and forever. R: Amen.
O Protection of Christians, Our Lady, our joy and our boast unashamed; mediator unwearied in prayer at our Master's throne: hear our voices raised in praise and prayer. Haste thee to our intercession, for thy protection never fails, O Blessed Mother, them that honour thee. Amen.
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